Fire Alarm Control Panels

At World Fire, we provide state-of-the-art Fire Alarm Control Panels (FACP) from leading brands, ensuring seamless fire detection and response. A fire alarm control panel is the central hub of any fire alarm system, monitoring multiple detectors and triggering alarms to protect lives and property.

Fire Alarm Control Panels (FACP) to ensure early fire detection and safety management. We offer two types of fire alarm panelsConventional and Addressable, catering to different fire protection needs.

Conventional Fire Alarm Panels

  • Best for small to medium-sized buildings
  • Divides the building into zones for fire detection
  • Cost-effective and easy to install
  • Ideal for offices, shops, and small industrial units

Addressable Fire Alarm Panels

  • Advanced system with unique identification for each device
  • Pinpoints the exact location of a fire for faster response
  • Scalable and suitable for large or complex buildings
  • Ideal for hospitals, hotels, malls, and industrial plants

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